Anyway, after much deliberation, I've decided to post a pic of me (and my lovely sister) and put up a few pics of reclaim the night. One reason for posting a pic of myself is that if I meet up with anyone at future protests and so on, I want to make sure they recognise me! And also, I've been blogging for a while and haven't had any nasty trolls (yet...) so I think I may be okay(ish). If not then I'll take the photo down, but for the meantime I'll keep it up.
Me and My Sis pretending to be Ninjas on the way to reclaim the night:
Me and My sis without our Ninja disguises:

My sis is the dark haired one (she's so good at pulling faces by the way!) and I'm on the left.
**Eww..blogger isn't letting me add photos of reclaim the night..I'll keep trying so watch this space. I've just got a photo of the end going into the venue and some dark blurry ones..I guess taking photos didn't feature very much (shouting did though!).**
On another note, its my 22nd birthday on Saturday woohoo. Feel a bit funny reaching 22 (the next 'milestone' will be 25) but I'm sure I'll get used to it. 21 has been an interesting age: I graduated, found feminism and grew up quite alot (although I'm still partial to a 'mad hour' when I laugh alot and run amok, general high spirit tomfoolery!) and decided certain things about my life (ie. that I want to study some more, hehe) and my relationships have gotten more richer with friends and my partner and family. And all I can say is that I've still got a lot to learn and the rest of my life to learn it. But I think I've reached one of those points where I'm happy with who I am.