Fate is Chance. Destiny is Choice.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bizarre Things

Its kind of weird if you think about all the different time zones in the world - who on earth thought up time anyway? It's such a bizarre concept even though we all think its just commonsense. I mean, daylight saving time (clock going backwards or forwards depending on the particular time of year) is really disorienting because it only gets darker because we've gone backwards or lighter because we've gone forward, if that makes sense?

Erk no it doesn't. Did this particular person or group of persons think about the practical implications of time going backward and forward? It's almost as if we're going back in time or forward in time (we are, but I mean in a time machine sense). In fact, perhaps it is possible to travel back in time, but people have memories and without erasing memories it would be impossible to go back to a particular moment, because the people involved would remember. We do go back and forward in time though, especially when travelling to other countries and continents, which is just inexplicably weird. Erk, I say.

Anyway, I'm starting to wonder what really is out there, it's interesting that all these people believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses and so on. I mean, I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just one of those people who have decided to renounce religion because of the way I think - for example, I know many Christians who think being gay is bad (not that just particular Christians are like that, other people think that too), or that deaf people are somehow lacking or need to be 'saved' or something - yes, it's madness because deafness has nothing to do with whether you're a good/bad person or whether you need to be pitied.

I've always thought that some of the most extreme facets of certain religions have nothing to do with morality or acceptance, I think some religions are quite close minded and unaccepting. But it isn't just the reason I've changed what I believe, I don't think I ever really believed in God or the bible and so on. I'm a thinker, and I've always had a good imagination, and a belief in the good in people, I think its just that I rationalize things alot too. Its fine that people believe what they do but not if they are small minded about other people's ways of life (like some people have been quite awful about Muslims since particular attacks in London).

Having said that, I'm not getting all heavy again...it always seems to happen when I feel strongly about something :-) My life is okay at the moment, so much okay that I could probably sing about it from the rooftops, but I won't, so there :-P I'm sort of in a lazy phase at the moment, where my work is slightly neglected but I'm still managing to keep up *somehow*. To be honest, I may feel quite happy when I finish University next June, although the independence will be sorely missed and I'll probably start thinking about moving out from home again...and living with my boyfriend...and having a little black cat and living happily ever after until Monday morning when work will probably beckon :-P Oh, and bills!!

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