Fate is Chance. Destiny is Choice.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the world was devoid of all the advertising and images and illusion. It would be my perfect world, one in which you don't feel as though you have to live up to something, as though you have to look a certain way or feel a certain way, because isn't that what western society is about? Because I'm doing Sociology, it's given me an unique way of looking at our world, and a lot of the time I don't really like what I see. I mean, everyone could do without the pressure and negativity of certain images the media projects, of certain ideals we have to feel we live up to. So what if a woman isn't stick thin or wearing the latest fashions. But magazines and television and cinema makes some women feel guilty and take more precedence over their appearance. Why is our world so obsessed with appearance?

I think my ideal world, or Utopia would consist of less judgement, more depth and less prejudice. I wonder if anyone else thinks about these things, wonders what a world like that would be like, where people are individuals with their own thoughts and who are not afraid to express what they think, and not try to oppress other people's ideas. If ideas seem wrong, they only become wrong if they are acted out, or make everyone else unhappy.

Having said that, maybe life is about trying to live your life by certain codes, by believing that you can be a good person and enjoying yourself. It always pays to be open minded and optimistic and try to give as much love as possible to the people that matter to you. I know this world seems obsessed with appearances and so on, but maybe you can try to ignore that, especially if it makes you unhappy. It makes me unhappy sometimes, and I've had furious discussions about it! :D

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